下课后,蓝老师突然叫我组织共10个人的默剧小组(包括我在内)。我们得在一个礼拜之间呈献一场默剧。当时给我们的主题是电梯,有点难搞(omg sounds wrong)。我的组花了一段时间想,可是大家想到的idea很crap. 能在电梯发生的事件又很confined.
真伤脑筋,最终, 我到了youtube寻找一些idea,有了灵感,便把剧的大纲写在纸上。然后,我到sounddogs.com(谢谢绘彧姐的推荐)寻找适合我剧的音响,也非常谢谢沈惠娟帮忙我找音响。
当我们呈献后,发现了几个问题。我们花太多时间排前面的scenes,neglect 了后半场。虽然有些进步,但对于默剧的基本要求还是不够。
5)一定要有element of surprise或一点喜剧效果,不然整部剧会很boring.
6)要能互相配合默剧里的演员。coordination 很重要。
7)最后,slow and steady 就是默剧的主要风格。
我和edwen被pair up,得呈献一部默剧,主题是餐馆风波。我们花了一天的时间想,想不到新鲜的idea. 因为能在餐馆发生的事件都很cliche。哈哈,回家后,我又到youtube.com寻找新的idea,突然又有了灵感!真幸福。youtube 我爱你。
当蓝老师叫我组织这个组时,我不知道要笑还是要哭。因为我从来尝试带领一个十个人的小组,而且对默剧还很noob,所以很panicking. 况且,我的组员大多数是中二生,只有一位中一生,不知该怎么让他开放起来。
开始时,我怀疑大家会enjoy在这组里,因为大家都很安静(除了男生),而且大多数的人都有副校长的characters: 很硬,又很冷淡。简直像zombie一样。
看到组员来排戏的energy很low, 我便提议玩musical chairs来提升energy level. 真没想到,为了能坐在一张椅子,每个人都很积极的玩这游戏。
- 鼎峻
- 商博
- 诗蕾
- 王敏
- 吟洁
- 杰豪
- 思敏
- 伟龙
- 侯晨曦(*censored*整天没来的)
p.s. 花了两个小时写这篇东西,请让我去跳楼自杀吧。感觉好像写了十篇作文似的!
2006年欢送会 <<离家不远>> -卓佳玲
这是我第一次用华语blog所以错别字会一大堆,因此 请大家原谅 =X。
今年的欢送会的主题的确很简单,不是很glam 。但是,重点是围绕着诚意。 起初中四们知道主题时,都表示不满。可是过了欢送会那晚,我想和希望他们也不再这么想了。。
今年的deco和prog也比往年还来得简单些了。deco 很简单,但却能带出家的温馨感觉。可是我倒觉得deco可以再加丰富。今年的banner很好看,很多人都很喜欢。这次的星光大道有点lame,因为我们忽略了它。prog 的 games 这次是使用 funfair 的方式而举行。是个蛮新鲜的点子。点燃蜡烛的仪式也很好。it's like re-igniting our passion for ahscds and a formal step down for the sec4 committee members (对不起,这句话我不会phrase)。
deco 和 prog 的问题都是在欢送会之前出现的。food comm原本没问题的,可是却在欢送会当天发生状况。原本是好好的,食物是够大家(老师们、中四、校友、中一和中二)吃。可是,我们计算错了。我们给中四和老师吃后,就给了中一。中一们吃完后,校友们便一个一个来,我们却不足够食物给他们吃。因此,有了个crisis。所以,下一次的欢送会请多注意食物!食物是很重要的,哈哈。
如果你记得方向 家就在不远前方
ahscds永远是家 =D
这是我在这里的第一个post,欢送会已经过去了。Hall 的装饰还不错,我觉得悬挂的星星应该再多一点。这样应该比较好看吧。Fence 上献给中四的 tagboard 最终被每个人遗忘了,D:
我觉得中一的 Video/PPT 的每一个 message 应该写上是谁写的,不然看起来很乱。 中二的 kallang wave 可以再整齐一点。中三的舞跳得不错。
我很喜欢司仪,尤其是 valerie, 她很 high :D 但是为什么各个 batch item 完了只剩下她一个人当司仪? edwen 应该多讲点话。(:
颁奖典礼,恭喜 yikee 和 wenqi! 游戏时间蛮好玩,有很多不一样的游戏,包括 mahjong , tarot cards, karaoke,冷笑话,扑克牌 还有象棋。像雪丽说的, 应该有一些"家"里常常玩的游戏, monopoly。自由活动的主义很好,能选择想玩什么之类的。
分享时我看到又一个中一在睡觉 D:,讲到来,最后中四很少时间说。可能以后让中四先说,就不会这么赶时间了吧。还有我觉得airconhall,加了那些家具真的有家的感觉 (:
PS: Sorry for the blog post with chinese and english scattered everywhere D:
PPS: 我把所有欢送会的照片放在photobucket 了,here's the link :D : http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v332/keybladeofhearts/CDS%20Huan%20Song%20Hui%202006/
欢送会2006 [雪丽]
至于program,今年的节目是比较free&easy。我本身认为这样比起去年的games,比较好玩。但是有个station是音亭和诗蕾的冷笑话。我认为他们应该宣传自己的station。或许她们可以放几张桌子,然后挂上一个“冷笑话”的布条。还有,我觉得应该加入更多游戏,比如monopoly等。因为有些人不会玩麻将。可能刚好中四们都会玩,但希望主办单位有顾虑过这个问题 :D erm 今年的司仪也是蛮不错,尤其是valerie。
还有,昨晚好像不够食物。所以,yar, 必须预先算好会有几个人,然后plan好需要多少食物ok!
huan song hui-valerie
im sorry to post in english but i really dont have any chinese software. hahaa i shall be the first one to post about the huan song hui.
compared with the previous huan song huis i think this year's decoration is not good enough. though the theme is home and it should be simple yet warm, but it feels rather empty. for example the red carpet, the previous years they put bottles or some nice decorations to decorate the alley but this year there are only people standing at both sides. also when the seniors walked into the living room, there isnt any particular space (pigeon hole) for their big bags. this make the side of the living room rather messy and disorganised.
next is the living room with the cushions and carpet. i think it is a good idea to put all this as it does make it feel like home. however the living room is always littered! at first it was littered with alot of sweet wrappers and when it was dinner time, it was worst. there were chicken bones here and there and some cups with drink were on the sofa. some juniors were busy entertaining themselves than to take care of the welfare of the sec4s. all the rubbish were all not cleared till i managed to find some time to clear them. it was rather a dissapointment.
also i think the fen xiang was a nice one but maybe if it can speed up a little it would be better. everyone got a bit restless when it got to the sec4s spech which should be the most important part of the event. for the sec1s, maybe they can send one rep to represent them because what they say is so repetitive. yup this will then enable the sec4s to say more as it is an occasion that is once every year.
finally the problem for every year is still happening. the food is still not enough! i know that you guys are afriad that the food is more than enough. i suggest that you guys can make a list of which alumni members are coming so as to know how much food to prepare.
the whole huan song hui is not that bad lar. just that i want to say all the problems so that next year i and my sec3 batch can have a wonderful huan song hui! ooops anyway i really like the idea of the living room and dinning roon decoration and the whole thing really give me the feeling of a home. and the idea of serving as a maid is really cool especially when the reponse was rather good. the seniors started giving us names of maids. so i guess that was quite a sucess. lastly, i think it is very nice to have something new on every huan song hui. for example this year you guys thought of the passing on flame thing.
valerie signing off. sec4s jiayou for o levels and come back more often! we will miss you guys alot.