(llb: R21 movie for ur junior?)
Okay guys just to tell yall about this R21 movie named:
Absolutely interesting, the film is nominated best comedy.
Trailer #1:
Trailer #2:
OKAY but the film is obviously going all the way out to mock Kazakhstan, there which the villagers tried to protest but to no avail.
They even mock at Kazakhstan's national anthem, but there's nothing they can do.
If one day US just blatantly mock at Singapore, what can we do?
But you know what?
Hey Edwen/WeiLong here, I'm here to tell you guys about the Christmas BBQ details and the back-up plan. As the weather is rather unpredictable these few days, with heavy downpours each day, there will be a need for a back-up plan. Sorry for the late notice and for this post being in English as I do not have the software which will enable me to write in Chinese. Hope you guys will understand. Well, let's get started!
Christmas BBQ 2006 Details
Date: 21/12/2006
Time: 430pm at Pasir Ris Interchange (For current members of CDS), alumni anytime after 430pm
Venue: Pasir Ris Park
Pits: BBQ Area 1 pits 36 and 37
Price: $5 per person (Current CDS members), free for alumni (Don't ask me why, I was told so)
Sorry if I missed out any details, if you want to know more you can contact me. I shall not put my number here as it is not safe and appropriate.
The Back-Up Plan
Those who saw the news should know that the rain would most probably continue till Friday. So, as much as I do not want to admit it, the BBQ will most probably be a failure(Trudy/JiaLing : No, it won't!!) and there will of course be a back-up plan! But what kind of back-up plan you may ask? I thought it over and came up with an idea, inspired by Mr Koh Yeok Seng of Sec4'06. The back-up plan is a New Year BBQ!! Since CDS has a BBQ to celebrate Christmas (in this case), why not have one to celebrate the coming New Year too? So even if we do not have a Christmas BBQ, at least we have one to celebrate the New Year! Isn't a New Year BBQ good?
Details for the New Year BBQ will be up soon, provided if the Christmas BBQ's plans are wrecked due to the bad weather. But rest assured, the New Year BBQ (if there is) will not be on New Year's Eve itself as I understand many would be unable to make it.
So for now, let's all hope and pray that there will be glorious sunshine tomorrow so that we can have our Christmas BBQ!! (:
同一个舞台上,两个剧团因为错误而同时进行彩排。一边是时装剧《暗恋》,演的是人生已快到尽头的老先生对年轻时一段刻骨铭心爱情的回忆,另一边则是古装剧《桃花源》,演的是陶渊明《桃花源记》中促使那一位渔夫往上游去的原因 , 居然是因为老婆给他戴绿帽…
观众一下子看《桃花源》片段,一下子看《暗恋》片段,古装与时装、喜剧与悲剧、疯狂的笑声与宁静的泪水,在台上同时并置,时而各自表述,时而交错演绎,更也随时爆发出意想不到的戏剧效果。这是表演工作坊《暗恋桃花源》 1986年首演以来的第四度搬演,时隔20 年,此次赖声川导演把台湾歌仔戏明华园请来同台斗戏,带给观众耳目一新的感觉。
日期/时间: 2007 年 2 月 23 日, 星期五,晚上 8 时 2007 年 2 月 24 日,星期六,下午 3 时与晚上 8 时
地点: 滨海艺术中心剧院
时长: 演出时长 150 分钟,包括中场休息
票价: $38#, $48#, $68, $88, $108 (# 优惠票:学生 $19, $24; 国民服役人员与乐龄人士 $26.60, $33.60)
(海燕等人 新加坡)
《十年之痒》是海燕等人艺术总监兼编剧林海燕数年前赢得第一届“新加坡剧作家奖” 的作品。应邀演出的将是本地观众熟悉的演员,包括 新传媒艺人沈炜竣、电台 DJ林有懿、剧场演员洪薇和“海燕等人”成员胡鑫权。
日期/时间: 2007 年 2 月 23 日,星期五,晚上 8 时
2007 年 2 月 24 日,星期六,下午 3 时与晚上 8 时
地点: 滨海艺术中心小剧场
时长: 演出时长约 90 分钟,无中场休息
票价: $33 (优惠票:学生、国民服役人员与乐龄人士$22)
Countless stories have been told about attemptingthe impossible.But this one soars higher.Petite kampong gal Oon Ah Chiam reaches stars by laddering on her perseverance and beliefs.As Singapore buildings tower higher, her dreams are silhouetted by cold concrete urbanisation.Partake in this rock & roll journey down memory lane, where tears, laughter and celebration of life await.
Titoudao is an English music drama about the life of a Hokkien street opera actress, Madam Oon Ah Chiam. During her early twenties, Madam Oon performed the role of this incorrigible but likeable character – Titoudao, to such perfection that the public fondly called her by this stage name. This is a play inspired by Madam Oon’s memories and experiences.
Set in the 1940s to the present day, Titoudao begins from her childhood in the poor rural area near Upper Bukit Timah Road. It traces her struggles against all odds to become a renowned wayang (Street Opera) star in Singapore and Malaysia. Through her painstaking story, we see the societal and economical changes in Singapore. It is a moving account of the struggles of a petite Chinese woman set against the progression of an ever developing island city. A heartwarming play that is poignant yet hilarious, it will make you burst into peals of laughter at one moment and weep the next. You will leave the theatre inspired by this extraordinary life experience of Madam Oon.
Heartbreakingly touching, indeed it is.~ 8 Days
The uninhibited fun and warmth of TITOUDAO is disarming; barriers melted away, creating a sharing field transcending age, language and culture.~ Kuo Pao Kun
I enjoyed the energy and sincerity of TITOUDAO. It was an engaging well-crafted tapestry of contrasts – of dialect and English, of life on and off-stage, of the past and the present – topped off by good ensemble work by the actors!~ Claire Wong, Actress and Lawyer
It was the world of my youth comeback; vividly, vitally, memorably – my daughter Sarah and I were visibly moved by the experience.~ Dr Kirpal Singh, SMU Associate Professor of Literature
An original and riveting production, uniquely Singaporean, with inspired and uninhibited acting that captures the wayang spirit of the sixties. ~ Alfred Zhu, Writer
A stunning testimony to a remarkable life!~ Rani Moorthy, Actress based in London
今年是首次参加ndc,但它和自己想象中的完全不一样。去之前,我一直认为,在这个营中,我会学到一些学会老师没教到的东西,但结果不但没有学到,反而还有点大跌眼镜 (幸好那时候我的眼镜坏了,不然一定被摔烂*哈哈*)因为我们是被分成小组,所以我将从我对我的组的观点来说我对今年的ndc的感想。
记得在讨论剧本时,当老师问我们想要什么样的剧本时,那个参加过三届ndc的人说:“现今的社会,大家都很注重文凭,所以我们可以做一部剧关于一名学生,在学校里被人欺负,然后他的父母给他很多压力,他自己也给他很多压力。。。” 听到这里,我和沈思莹已经傻眼了。。。结果,为了不让自己演出一部 cliche 剧,我和沈思莹就说出了中二汇报的地铁idea(我们的剧名还差点和中二的汇报的剧名一样)在这里,跟我们的中二说声:“对不起”。
当我们开始写剧本时,老师把我们分成两组。记得隔天排戏时,另一组的人在一旁积极地排戏,而我的组,却坐在一旁,什么都不做。而原因是,剧本在手提电脑里,但手提电脑借给另一组的人了。当时的沈思莹和我真得快被气爆了!而当我和我的对手说要对戏时,她坐了下来,看着我,过了不久就走掉了!我还记得沈思莹和我的反应,我们说了一句:“如果这是 拉米/随便,他们一定死得很美!”
(1) 《完美巅峰》
优 : * 饰演小精灵的欣廷表演活泼、可爱,在造型、语言和表演上亮丽突出。
缺 : * 采用两条故事线,使得情节交待不清,分散了主题。尤其是女孩的部分缺乏铺垫。她为什么要参加选美?为什么会用智慧来换取美貌?人物写得不够鲜明,对白不够精简,没有色彩。另一方面,要注意戏的节奏太慢和平淡。在呈现手法上也显得简陋,如:男女主角来找小精灵以换取美貌和财富的处理,缺乏变化,甚至演员在表演上也没有更兴奋、更大的差别。
(2) 《线断了》
优 : * 整体演员表现平均,有默契。饰演父亲的伟龙在人物的塑造和感觉都不错,值得表扬。剧中“线断了”之后台词的错位安排,挺新鲜是不错的尝试,也留下了悬念,引起观众的思索。
缺 : * 剧本的原意不错,具有潜能。可惜有点“眼高手低”,无法把科技带来的疏离问题来作文章。来到了第二部分——另一空间时,就显得突兀、混乱和无力,最后以梦境收场,令人大失所望!
(3) 《无法自拔》
优 : * 饰演电脑游戏人物的慧如和男主角利恩的互动性强,表演自然。
缺 : * 剧本内容没有惊喜,情节的推动不够层次,剧力不足,也就没有戏味了。题材感觉不够真实,为什么电脑人一定是坏人?解决不了的问题一定安排小精灵或虚拟人物出现解救呢?
(4) 《遗失的美好》
优 : * 主题集中,有想法,题材是比赛中最新颖和突出的一组。构思很特别。整体的配合——演员的面具造型、有深度的对白到音乐的设计都处理得不错。
缺 : * 情节交待得不是太完整:为什么女孩会“漏网”不用整容?什么背景?最后虽然处理了逆转的安排——她向势力屈服了。但大家追捕她为什么还要拿掉她的一切?和原本的线又不太符合。
最后的独白缺乏感动性,围绕的迫害手法较不理想,可否改为她最后真的被制成“标本”,被一个大的玻璃箱子罩住。她完全被保留下来供研究和起着警吓的作用…… 希望有更大的震撼!
(5) 《心灵鸡汤》
优 : * 第一次挑大梁饰演母子的铭源和雪莉都很努力,表现得很投入、认真。再接再厉!
缺 : * 戏的前半段太冗长,平淡,铺排太多,无法推进。
(6) 《我的乐谱》
优 : * 演员都很平均——饰演主角的素敏、同学的思敏和思婷对角色的诠释都不错,很有潜力,继续努力!
缺 : * 爱慕虚荣、贫富悬殊的题材很老套,较不讨好。有钱人一定是坏人?人物刻画不深。另外戏的处理有时夸张;有时悲情,显得不协调。
总结 :
1) 今年从编剧、排演到比赛的课程安排时间充裕,比赛的素质也明显提高,值得肯定和鼓励!
2) 新人表现突出有潜质,再接再厉 !中二的同学今后更要争取表演机会,历经舞台上的摔打才能成长!
3) 加强语言和表演基本功的训练,为2007年“翔鹰”一起努力!
Happy Feet-llb
你们看Happy Feet了吗?那天看了一篇文章,原来Happy Feet也可以如此解读,大家不妨看一看,或许能够从中得到一些启示。
● 蓝璐璐
学校假期到了,当然要带孩子去看假期猛片。今年打头阵的是好莱坞有关企鹅家族的电脑动画片《快乐脚》(Happy Feet)。一个半小时从电影院走出来后,除了有点冲动想学跳踢踏舞外,更被片中的几句经典对白深深感动,影片里很多情节也成了我们与孩子接下来几天的讨论焦点。
一:快乐是自己定的,即使是会遭来世俗白眼和讥讽,只要不伤及他人,自己问心无愧,就继续快乐下去吧。小企鹅“曼波”(Mumble) 出世时双脚就不停的动,爸爸问他为什么,他说:“我很快乐,我的脚也很快乐呀!”。纵然众企鹅快乐的定义是唱歌而不是跳舞,他也从来不掩饰他真正的快乐来自他那双有点丑陋的大脚。
apologies- lim heng xin
I'm Sorry for making u cry and being worried sick when i played "missing". sorry i made u cry in front of all the cds ppl. Sorry. seeing u cry made me cry too(the wind blow very strong tts y). I will treasure you more as my kakia in the future. and thanks for being so responsive and helpful during camp. You are a good kakia~
Sorry for making u upset too. I know guys have alot of pride and all, esp someone like you. Sorry. Thanks for being so helpful in camp. You are a good kakia too.
I feel that i owe you an apology too, becuz eloise and i had to play "quarrel". And eloise is ur tao and im your grp leader so u are kinda sandwiched in between. The night and day after we "quarrelled" i could see that you were quite affected, esp when eloise sim e idiot smsed u "ask ur stupid leader to stop disturbing me". it was all for acting. Sorry for sandwiching u in between and affecting you.
huiying & cindytoh:
Oops, i had to scold your grp on e 2nd night and moved out of the bunk temporarily. Sorry for making the both of you cry, scared and worry. Even though cindy toh likes to laugh while crying. Sorry.
I heard u were quite affected the night we started the conflict, sorry. and for not replying ur sms when i went missing.
yinteng & shilei:
u two morons really looked damn scared and frightened on both nights. Sorry for scaring u all and making u worry. Really sorry.
Sorry for making u cry and worried. I didnt expect a sec 1 to cry for me =x I know you were quite pissed after that, dun take it to heart ok. tell that to your batch ppl too. Hope u will still be the cheerful boy nxt time i see u.
i heard that u were worried sick for me and even prayed for my safety. Sorry for all that. And i couldnt pick up calls or reply smses when going MIA(missing in action) becuz my phone was all along in the bunk ,_,
My dear didi, sorry for making u worried. I heard that u were scared i would b raped by banglahs, looks like I didnt teng2 u for nothing. Sorry, didnt mean to cheat ur feelings on purpose. U veri cute u noe.
the rest who were affected:
Sorry for making u guys worry and cry. I guess if u want a full explanation, u should read below.
But i guess we all learnt something. CDS is not an unfeeling cca.
detailed explanation of murder game - trudy
Hi everyone I'm here to give a detailed explanation on the murder game that was held on the last day of camp. Firstly, I'm sorry that I'm using english to blog it here. As I'm more comfortable in it and it would be easier for me to get my point across. And I'm sure everyone would want to know the explanation in crystal clear detail, hence I feel that this language barrier should not stop me from doing so. Secondly, let us all forgo the formalities and to look at the situation objectively. I'm sorry but the entry will be kind of offensive to some, but I'll edit it till it will be pleasant to all. So please pardon me if you're offended by it in anyway, but I'm looking at it objectively. Thirdly, I'm sure many will wonder why am I giving a detailed explanation here and not at the debrief itself? For this, I'll explain later on. Lastly, if any of the points are not covered properly or you seek an explanation on other stuff in relation to the game. Do not hesitate to leave a tag or contact me. I will explain to you in full detail till you're satisfied. For now, as the person in-charge for the murder game and camp, I will answer all your burning questions and represent my batch as their spokesperson.
1) Why a detailed explanation here and not at the debrief?
The reason as to why I'm giving a detailed explanation here is because the situation was different from what I expected. What I had in my mind was not applicable. I was also faced with the fact that I had to say everything out in chinese. It is a tough feat for me I must say. The presence of the teachers and alumni there made me unable to get my thoughts out straight and I was hence unable to explain in detail. The situation then was also rather chaotic and everyone was tired and pissed so explaining in detail then would be a futile attempt. Now that everyone has settled down and calmed down, explaining would be easier and more effective.
2) Why is it that the explanation was done by the alumni?
I'm sorry but I feel that my batch is being accused for something which is not true. The truth is, we wanted to explain it ourselves. I was suppose to explain, but by the time I got back it was too late. Alvin qinzhi and yeokseng had already explained it to the juniors. They saw that the situation was getting out of hand and that the juniors were worried sick so they took it into their own hands and explained. This is not planned, we did not make use of the alumni to help us clear the mess. It was just that I arrived back too late, and this was not intentional too. We were the organisers of this game, hence by right it should be us explaining. Although we may seem like an irresponsible bunch of people, but something as serious as such, we definitely would not shrug off responsibility. We are not even blaming qinzhi and alvin for giving us such an idea. Instead we're grateful to them. It is just by pure coincidence that the alumni explained before I got back in time. I seriously hope that you will believe me.
And after the alumni explaining, my explanation was not detailed too as all the points had been covered by the alumni. It would seem like I'm just using their words and rephrasing it and put it as my explanation. Plus everyone was too pissed and tired out, to hear me out. Hence, I'm making things clear here.
3) The aftermath and consequences
I must say we did not give this much thought, as we thought that everyone would see through the game. There were many many loopholes in it, but unfortunately only a handful of sec1s saw through it. I admit that there was a lack of preparation here. We wanted the game to be as real as possible and we totally forgot about how the juniors would react to it. It was planned that the sec4s would help in scaring the juniors, in the supernatural ways, but the juniors were too worried for hengxin's safety that the spooky stuff had no effect on them.
We also did not expect the juniors to react so, especially the sec1s as they weren't exactly close to us. We had underestimated them. Basically, it all boils down to the fact that we overlooked this point. It is a very huge mistake and we're sincerly apologetic about it. Sorry.
4) Why is it that not all of the sec3s were present during the debrief?
Three sec3s were missing at that time, valerie chuanyun and huijuan. Valerie did not take part in the planning or execution of the murder game and she had to go home. Chuanyun and huijuan was extremely distraughted and upset that they was unable to face the juniors. They felt that they had let them down by making them worry so much with this game. During the debriefing, they were in the toilet crying their eyes out. Hence, I hope you understand their absence during the debrief.
5) Why was the murder game changed to the last night?
We were unprepared for the murder game on the first night and we could only have the help of 2 sec4s, namely yeokseng and jieying. It would be ridiculous to carry out the game as there were only 8 sec3s. We had a serious lack of manpower. So we decided to change it to the last day. Our original murder game plot was also changed.
6) Were the objectives of the game met?
One important objective of the game was that it would help bond the juniors. Many question the fact that if this did happen. Some compared it to murder game (as in one that required the juniors to solve a mystery). I would like to ask you this question, would solving a mystery make a group of people bond? To me if you compare that to the 'missing' game that we played, I feel that the 'missing' game would have attained that instead of the murder game. The realisation that one of our numbers have gone missing in the middle of the night would cause everyone to worry for her. Many broke down and cried. Many were worried for hengxin that she had 39 missed calls and countless smses asking her where she was. These are acts that showed the care and concern we have for each other. Plus, it gives many the wake up call to cherish people around you as you won't know what would happen next. These are my thoughts on this point about bonding. However, it is also not right as many cried and were worried during the game.
Reacting to danger is one of the points and I feel that that was covered during the game. The inital plan was that we hoped that the juniors will bond while going to the dark and spooky places. But as they were more worried for hengxin then afraid of the dark, this point was not achieved. However, I believe that the juniors have learnt how to look out for one another and cherish each other more now. And this is definitely one of our aims for the game.
7) Overall
On the whole, the game itself is quite unprepared. It can be seen as there were many loopholes in it. We changed the plot of the story as qinzhi and alvin inspired us with past ideas that the seniors had done. Hence we changed our plan the night before the actual thing. All arguments that occured leading up to the actual game itself was all a hoax. And the briefing on the first day of camp was also part of the hoax. But the things mentioned there are true (as in it's true taboo stuff) but it's not said by audrey. We just included her name in to make it sound very serious. Hengxin being the one who went missing was really by chance, we drew lots. We had no intention to make anyone who cares for her cry eg. edwen. It was not on purpose.
We are very sorry for cheating your feelings in this game. It was not intentional as we did not expect you all to react so. Seriously. It was wrong of us to test your emotions and our relationship as seniors and juniors. But I hope that through this experience we will be more bond as a cca on a whole.
Sorry to everyone for dampening your high moods with the game on the last night.
Sorry to all juniors for making you all worried sick and afraid.
Sorry to leelaoshi cailaoshi and cailaoshi for asking you all to help in the acting.
Sorry to the alumni for going overboard in the game.
Sorry to everyone for I had allowed this game to actually take place.
Thank you to all juniors for being so concern for my batch when you all saw the fake arguments we had.
Thank you to all juniors for being so understanding and encouraging to us.
Thank you to all juniors when you guys cheered for my batch on the last day after we apologied again. Really thank you. You guys made us realise the true meaning of forgive and forget and the real meaning of family.
Thank you to qinzhi and alvin for the argument idea for the murder game.
Thank you to qinzhi alvin and yeokseng for giving us alot of inspiration and sitting in during our meetings.
Thank you to the alumni for helping us with scaring the juniors in the murder game.
Thank you to leelaoshi cailaoshi and cailaoshi for assisting us in the game and playing along.
Thank you to sec3s for acting so well that night.
But still, a very sincere apology from all the sec3s for all the hurt that we had caused during the game. I know nothing said can be done, to change and make it up to you. But we hope you will forgive and forget. We seek your understanding. Thank you.
explanation for murder game - trudy
I would like to make a special request that no one is to post any entry on the murder game here for now. That includes everyone who has access it, including leelaoshi. This is so as I'm currently unable to post an entry on it as I've something to attend to. Please do not see it as an act of running away from this situation. I will clarify this matter, ASAP. For now, I seek your patience and understanding. Thank you.
To all sec3s : Don't worry about this for now. Get some rest. You're all tired out from the stress and late nights from camp. Rest assured, I'll sort this out accordingly. Take care.
再说Murder Game-李老板
1)这个游戏的目的要达到,事后的debrief很重要,但是佳玲没有很好的进行debrief,只是以game over与一句话带过它的意义,除了佳玲,其他中三的在debrief时“躲”到哪里去?为什么不是坐在一起接受大家的“审判”,并同时帮忙佳玲解释这个游戏的意义?为什么我走出课室后看到惠娟和传韵在课室外面?虽然老师与校友有帮你们尝试解释游戏的意义,但是我们不是“主谋”,可能对你们的junior来说,从你们口中得到的解释会比从老师与校友这些“帮凶”尝试为你们解释来得更有说服力。你们说是吗?